What's wrong with my kids?
My 6 month old cries constantly. He has a horrible cough and his chest is so congested. I've taken him to the doctor multiple times, 3 times in one week! He never sleeps. He acts hungry but fights me when I try to feed him. My two year old was never sick so this is pretty much my first time dealing with anything like this.
My two year old is just as congested, has a runny nose, really bad cough, blistered lips, and poor appetite. He gets fevers at night (101.7 this time) and he wakes up crying almost as much as his brother. He also has these sores on his back that will not heal. They've been there since last summer.
I'm exhausted. Physically and emotionally exhausted. I haven't slept in weeks. I start a new job on Monday. Their doctor isn't doing anything and I can't keep seeing them this sick. I try breathing treatments daily with no positive results and I give medicine. Please, give me some advice or answers.
Thank you.