Breastfeeding mommies : I usually pump and feed my son because he wouldn't latch and two weeks ago I got him to latch and now everyday im pumping and breastfeeding in between and my breast/nipples hurt badly from doing both.& I realized I wasn't producing enough milk ,he used to eat 4oz now it's down to 2oz from both left & right breast so.i turned to similac I started yesterday and i notice he wasn't having bms as usual and being fussy and straining so today I bought similac sencitive tummy for fussiness and gas. Do u think I should put one scoop of each ? I need help/advice my son will be 1MONTH this week.

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I think you shoukd just pump for now store them in the freezer to get caught up. feed him sensation similac two scoops. Put ice packs on your breast and when you take warm showers massage them. You can still breast feed just catch up so your not sore, and worried if the baby is eating enough. just what I think
04.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
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