Ok so someone recently asked me to post my birth/labor story and here it is..
Everyone usually tells you to know your own body and only you know when it's happening and honestly it's true, I carried myah for a little over 39 weeks and everytime I thought I was having contractions but it was just the false ones.. Well April 26th around 11pm I started getting cramping in my pelvic area like the worst period cramps EVER, I knew sooner or later I would be having her due to a couple days before I had lost my mucus plug, and everyone says you will have blood in it NOT true I just had a chunk of it come out and looked like green snot everyone is different.. Well I timed those "cramps" for a hour and it was 5 min apart and started getting to 4 min apart so I knew me and my bf had to rush to the hospital . When I get to the hospital the pain increased and they got me up to the ob department and hooked me up fast to monitor and sure enough they were contractions I was dilated to 4 cm already and they put me in a room .. They gave me the epidural so I couldn't feel the contractions (best thing invented) but once I started dilating more I felt the most crucial and unbearable pain ever in my vagina area and it was her moving down in the birth canal I felt the worst pressure like I had to poop I screamed bloody murder telling me I was ready to start pushing .. So they grabbed my legs and pushed .. I had to stop though due to the doctor not being in the room though but I said screw her and told them I was pushing without her LOL so I grabbed my own legs and pushed real hard ... It only took me 1hr of pushing till she came out and I swear when the doctor took my sac out it felt like I was having another kid so I had to ask to make sure I wasn't 😂😂😂 no one knows how bad it is to give birth till you go through it but just remember everyone's body is different and labor signs for everyone is different .. You just need to listen to your instincts and who cares about how many visits to the hospital you make because it's better safe than sorry !!!

Лучший комментарий


great labor story...and congrats on your bundle
29.04.2015 Нравится Ответить
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