Carol Louise Washby
Carol Louise Washby
Really worried that I will go over my due date, hopefully today will be my last appointment with my midwife before baby Tyrese arrives!

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Aww well that's good at least you'll get some help you should get working and child tax... And see that's good same with my baby ahah @samblanchys xx
28.04.2015 Нравится Ответить
Yeaah family allowance we will get but we don't get child or working tax credits and it's my even like we earn loads either when you have rent and other bills to pay but I'm not the Only one so I shouldn't moan too much lol! The babies are going to be so spoilt cos all my friends are excited and basically going t to treat it as there own lol everyone's fighting over babysitting duties as well @cwashby97 xx
27.04.2015 Нравится Ответить
Aww yeah do that but don't overdo it, I know right same here I'm one of the first out of my friends to have a baby aha! You will be entitled to child benefit child tax credit and working tax credit depending on how much you both earn but you will definitely get child benefit xx @samblanchys
27.04.2015 Нравится Ответить
Yeaah I can imagine that I'm going to try and stay at work for as long as possible just to try and help my days go quicker !! I'm going to try to stay at work at least to bank holiday in August if not end of the first week of September (due 10th September) still can't believe sometimes that I'm going to be having a baby seems like madness I think as well cos I am the first one out of my friends to have a baby !! The only thing I worry about a the moment is money lol cos me and my bf work were not entitled to any help and my job only pays out for 8weeks @cwashby97 xx
27.04.2015 Нравится Ответить
Aww congratulations! Pink pink pink! Yeah it does fly by but the last few weeks are a drag haha! They have been for me anyway xxx @samblanchys
27.04.2015 Нравится Ответить
@cwashby97, I know the next few months will fly by espesh as from 1st June (my next midwife appointment) the appointments after that come thick and fast !! We found out last Thursday were having a girl 👶💗 soo excited xx
27.04.2015 Нравится Ответить
And thank you @samblanchys I remember when I had that long to go, doesn't seem like 2 minutes ago aha xxx
27.04.2015 Нравится Ответить
Yeah that's true @zeld I've been keeping myself busy my constantly cleaning and tidying up as well as finding other stuff to do around the house haha thank you also :) xxx
27.04.2015 Нравится Ответить
Goood luck hope all goes well and I'm sure baby will be here very soon!! I've got another 19weeks til I meet my bubba and I'm getting impatient lol @cwashby97 xx
27.04.2015 Нравится Ответить
Try not to worry as worrying won't change anything. Try not to concentrate on a specific date and try to just enjoy these last few days of having your precious baby all to yourself. Good luck xxx
27.04.2015 Нравится Ответить
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