i bumped my babies head on her carseat. she screamed forever. now everytime she makes a noise i check to make sure she isnt seizing. i didnt even leave a bump. anybody else do the same?
I sat on my bathroom floor with my legs straight out in front of me to change my son and he stiffened up and rolled and hit his head on the floor. He screamed for a solid 5 mins but it didn't leave a bump just a little red mark and he was fine after that. Accidents happen momma. My son cried mostly from being scared
@mom2be96, I accidentally clipped Alauras finger in the chest clip on day... she screamed and I cried and her little bail turned black at the top.. I felt so bad!!
accidents happen don't beat urself up about it. I'm sure u feel really bad. but it happens to a lot of mommys. she's probably more scared them anything. when my kids get hurt on head I just don't let them sleep for an hour.