Anyone have a bicornuate uterus, or a heart shaped uterus? Any experience with that? My doctor is sending me to a specialist to have it looked at after the ER did an ultrasound and said I had a bicornuate. Hoping the severity is not that bad!
So were you able to carry before they removed the septation? And you cannn have surgery to help it?? I'm sorry. It's been killing me not know what's really going on. @disneybaby1011
@mckurnett, mine is as severe as it gets I actually had a septate which was a thick muscle wall they had to remove which they put staples in my uterus. I've had many miscarriages but they weren't due to the heart shaped uterus. My daughter has more than enough room and shouldn't have any issues with the growing. The high risk doctors will be able to tell you more and explain it a lot better, just for now don't stress about it. ☺️ Everything will work out!!
Oh! That's good to here! That means there's hope! Can I ask how severe yours is. I haven't had my first appt with my high risk dr. And haven't heard how sever it may be. ER saw that I was pregnant and everything was normal except they faxed my ob that I had a bicornuate uterus, and never told me tho.. Now my ob has me going to a specialist starting next Tuesday and I'm so nervous! I've had two miscarriage before! One was just about 8 weeks ago. So I'm really nervous. 😖