I let the godmother of my baby watch him for the day so I could get some rest and clean a little and I call to check on him and come to find out she has like 4 people over holding and playing with my baby I really appreciate her watching him but I'm really nervous not being there well other people are holding my baby I honestly don't even bring my baby out that much because I want him to get his shots so Im really uncomfortable with this but I feel bad saying anything because she's been watching him since 10am for me and has done a lot for me ugh I'm a nervous wreck now I wish I didn't even know any of u other mamas feel this way???

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Then I don't blame you for being uncomfortable when I say people you know I mean like people that you're very familiar with and have been around A LOT like close friends
21.04.2015 Нравится Ответить
its with people I've only meta couple times I guess that's why I'm so uncomfortable because I like she he gets to be with other people that I know so he can learn new faces but these are people I've only met a couple times and plus I'm not even there to make sure they wash their hands or that they're not sick @hayleymarie wow really! Its so cool when u find people from the same area
21.04.2015 Нравится Ответить
I live like ten mins from you in Roslindale!
20.04.2015 Нравится Ответить
I'd be uncomfortable if I didn't know the people but if I knew the people I wouldn't mind too much cause it's better to have a baby be comfortable with others than for your baby to ONLY want you especially if God forbid something were to happen to you
20.04.2015 Нравится Ответить
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