Hey I've just joined this site, very excited to talk to all you fellow mummies.. I finally found out on my 20 weeks scan we are having a little girl!! We are over the moon 💗
@alex89 It still feels very surreal for me too... We were trying for ages before I fell pregnant and nothing had happened so we were beginning to lose hope... Just after that we found out I was pregnant... It was such a shock... But a very happy shock. I don't think I will quite believe it until he is here in my arms... Even though he kicks a lot it's still surreal. I am having my Anti D injection on 28th April. I've had them before with my previous pregnancy with my son but I am still nervous as anything! xxx
@leanne1987 no I'm not :/ ️eeekkkkk!! :D I'm feeling exactly the same, it still feels surreal really!! I've got to a Anti D injection in June and I'm petrified about that :D xx
@alex89 I agree! You're not too far behind me then :-D I am starting to get very nervous. The closer my due date gets the more nervous I get! How are you feeling? Any nerves? xx