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I'm so lucky to have these two precious babies. My big boy is officially potty trained at 2 years 8 months and my baby girl is 2 months today! For all you first time mommies, enjoy every minute with your baby because time honestly flies right before your eyes! ❤

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Yeah my son use to do that all the time. I would ask him if he needed to go and he would say no. the second I would put underwear and let him out of my sight he would pee or poop in the underwear. He must have just been ready this last time I tried cuz it was extremely easy compared to the other times I had tried. Have you tried like putting a cheerio in the toilet and having him aim at it lol? or have him pee outside? I've read that those are other ways to try and potty train boys. @sammie_bell
15.04.2015 Нравится Ответить
see my sons been running around naked for 2 years and puts a pull up on when he has to pee or poop and he has been able to sleep all the way throw the night with out needing to pee sense 1 and half but he will not use the bathroom he will be on the potty 10 15 min get off and put a pull up on and go potty i just dont get it
15.04.2015 Нравится Ответить
15.04.2015 Нравится Ответить
It was hard at first I tried when he was a year and a half and then at 2 and he still didn't want to do it. I just decided that I was going to wait until he was ready. my mom told me to wait until it got warm so that I could leave him naked. so just a couple of weeks ago it was warm enough to let him run naked for a few days and I just asked him every 10 minutes to sit on the potty for me. he hated it bit I forced him and I bribed him with a piece of candy every time he went poop because he just did not want to poop in the toilet at first and he really loved that. He had accidents every day but this is now the second week with no diapers and he hasn't had any accidents and he also never wakes up with pee! I know it's stressful and hard but unless they are ready it will be hard.
15.04.2015 Нравится Ответить
omg how did u get him to use the potty my son is 3 and hates the tolet
15.04.2015 Нравится Ответить
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