Anyone Else Dealing a With Depression During Pregnancy?
27 Weeks, & My Dr Just Put Me On Antidepressants..
I Just Wanna Be Ok For My Boys!
They Deserve The Best.. I'm Trying!! 😞
I have anxiety bad and am staying on Lexapro I am underweight and having nutritional issues so I was told I would not be able to breast feed after birth for the health and well being of not only me but all of my children so I can stay on my lexapro throughout my pregnancy
@14emathews I've had it, but never been treated for it.. It's always been a come & go thing.. & this time it just hasn't gone away. I think everything from the past couple years is finally catching up to me & it's tough. But thank you for the advice, I will definitely take it! Gotta keep telling myself to stay positive.
I've been diagnosed with depression since I was 13 and I'm now 19. I too take medication. some days are much harder than others and there's a lot of crying. but the trick is to find outlets when you start feeling down. for me its drawing or journaling. for others it may be exercise or reading. but always take one step at a time. if you start thinking of all the stuff that needs to get done and when its supposed to happen, you'll sink. hang in there dearie <3