Danielle Nutley
Danielle Nutley
31 weeks today can't wait to meet my little fella :) went for my midwife appointment last week and was told baby isn't growing an hasn't grown since 20 weeks, so I was sent to the hospital for a growth scan and they confirmed it, then I was sent to another hospital to see a doctor and consultant (all in one day) and then I was told I would have to go to hospital every week to be scanned an monitored so they can keep a close eye on baby, other than that he's a very healthy baby, I'm just getting very scared and upset as to whether he's going to be very poorly or incase of an early delivery? Has anyone else been through something like this??x

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bless ya me two av got 2wks nd 6days to go xxx
05.04.2015 Нравится Ответить
I know I just can't wait to have him in my arms now:) only 9 weeks left for me ☺️ Thankyou hun now, you too @beckylouiise1997 xxx
04.04.2015 Нравится Ответить
bless u hunnie yeah its my first and i must admit i worry about apsolutely everythink its awful the sooner we are holding them the better and all the worrying will stop good luck chick xxxx
04.04.2015 Нравится Ответить
04.04.2015 Нравится Ответить
Because it's my first baby it's even more scary because I dot know what to expect 😔 baby is healthy but he's just not growing, I wasn't a big baby because I'm a twin so the weight was obviously shared with the two of us, yeah it heals a lot thanks very much, hope your pregnancy goes smoothly xx
04.04.2015 Нравится Ответить
hi chick i totally understand how scared and upset you are im going through this at the moment i have to attend scans every single week to ensure my baby is ok,the reason why some babies may not grow to a size theyd like is because some of us girls wernt that big of babies i mean im just over 5ft 2 im not that tall myself so the hospital has said they arnt particularilly worried about it but these scans will re assure me hope this helps xxx
04.04.2015 Нравится Ответить
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