So I hope this doesn't sound selfish... I CANNOT lose weight while breast feeding. I have to use a shield so it doesn't feel as much like a bonding experience, and my son spits up more when I breast feed. I'm basically on an oatmeal and fruit diet which sucks. My son is almost 5 weeks old. Did any of you moms stop breastfeeding and formula feed when you LO was around that age? For some reason I feel so guilty switching but I'm just having the hardest time and think my happiness is important to be a good mother.

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I did the exact same thing and felt the same way. I felt that since im a woman I should be able to produce enough milk and be able to feed my daughter but it just wasn't happening and it was frustrating for both of us. it doesn't make us any less of mothers not being able to breastfeed!
30.03.2015 Нравится Ответить
girl you are not any less of a good mother if you choose to stop you did it for 5 weeks which is wonderful i tried with my second he wouldnt latch my 3rd i did it for a month but was to self conscious and it was hard with other kids and my twins i only did it in the hospital cause it hurt and i was exhausted this baby i think im only gonna do it in the hospital so do whatever you feel is best because your baby doesnt mind as long as he eats and gets to have a happy mommy he will be happy
30.03.2015 Нравится Ответить
I use a shield also , I pump and I also give formula but more breatsmilk.
sometimes I do feel like giving up to
30.03.2015 Нравится Ответить
yes yes yes to all of that. I stopped breastfeeding lucy a little after that. I didn't lose much weight, and I also had to use a shield. but one of the main reasons I quit was because my milk wasn't coming out as fast as she would like it and freak out and refuse to eat unless I was engorged and would cry herself to sleep in the meantime. I tried pumping, didn't work out. lucy loves her bottle, she's happy, and healthy, and I'm not frustrated anymore and it all works out.(-:
30.03.2015 Нравится Ответить
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