OK ladies so the pain in my back but mainly the pressure down there is sooooo painful I can't take it anymore im in tears but I'm trying to hold off cuz I have ultrasound to check babies weight tomorow .....
thank u ladies.. I am home for now still contracting but not dilating but Dr said it can happen any day but baby is baking some more and ultrasound yesterday showed baby is at least 6lbs 1 oz already so Dr is worried if it happens soon... @jackee856 @dovejazz
Oh wow. When I went to the doctor a few weeks ago baby was head down too. I haven't been checked though. So are they saying your in active labor? @mrs.texx28
same thing g for me but maybe 30,minutes away but Dr checked me baby is at stage 0 which head is down I m 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced so I'm hoping that means baby will be here to bite or tomorrow morning
Oh no! I hope everything is ok....I guess I should be monitoring my pains often now because I've been having alot too. the hospital is 45 mins from home and I really don't want to go for nothing.