Well, I didn't take it from feb. 2013 to just recently. So the fact it's been that long is probably why it's making me tired. Just trying to get used to it again
Well, I started off taking 1 back in 2011(the Celexa). Then in, I started having trouble sleeping. My doctor seemed to think it was my anxiety. So she went ahead and prescribed me Buspar. I stopped taking them when I was pregnant with my first 2013. Haven't taken them since. I mentioned my anxiety at my 6 week checkup, and he asked me if I took Buspar. I told him I had with Celexa, but not by itself. So he gave me both
I know what you mean. I was hoping my mood swings/depression would get better after I had my daughter, but nope. So I've just been praying and taking my crazy lady pills