@courtney89, I love lemon water but sometimes I just need some added sweetness so I added lime and orange. But I've fallen for adding a bunch of berries. Lol.
@courtney89, I love finding ask these different fruit mixes for water cause they all do such great things for your body and taste so good. Makes it so much easier to drink ask the water we're supposed to. Lol.
@lizzilarson, that sounds so good :) sometimes I add lemon to the strawberry water to make strawberry lemonade. Sooo good :) I even love to make my own orange aide :)
@courtney89, oh I definitely have to try that! Sounds so good :)
@amg2469 This is just loaded with fruit. Oranges, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, lemon and lime.
I love to get a thing of strawberries from Walmart, throw them in a blender with a little water, little sugar to give it flavor and pour it in a pitcher with a little more water. Served over crushed ice is the best way to drink it :)