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I wanna tell my labor story! Last Sunday at 5 my contraction started they were painfull and close together called midwife she said if I could count 12 or more in an hour I need to go in. So we did at like 730 I was dilated to ac2 and my contractions where consistent. They made me walk around the hospital 2 hours latter still at a 2 so they sent me home at 430am could not sleep woke up early and told husband lets go walk this pain is to much the contractions got worse so I called the midwife she said to come in and get checked I was at a 3 they sent me into the hospital I was told I had an hour to walk and get to a 4 it worked she broke my water at 400 when i was at a 4 got epidural right away I slept for an hour I was dilated to a 6. 50min later I was at an 8. 30 min I was a 9-1/2 they got ready I only pushed for 14 min thin at 720 my little man was here!!

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Thank you!!
28.02.2015 Нравится Ответить
28.02.2015 Нравится Ответить
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