Labor & Delivery story:
So i started dilating week 35 by the time i was 39 weeks i was 5cm on my own... Bcuz of swelling n blood pressure my dr decided to induce me the next morning so on the morning of 2/20 i arrived at 5:00 am n they immediately hooked me up n started pitocin at 6:30 along wit my usual contractions... It was very bearable i had no problems at all then around 7:30 i started having to urinate A LOT! Back to back... Bed pan after bed pan filled... Round 8 am they broke my water n all hell broke loose😁😣 PAIN UNBEARABLE PAIN!!!!! The worst ever .. Hurt so bad i couldn cry... Remind u i was 5cm wen i first came in .. Started feelin lik i had to poop so i yelled it out n my MIL called fa a nurse... She checked me i was 8 cm but begged for the epidural ... They gave in n gave it to me... Waste of time becuz by the time he was finished i could no longer sit on my vagina baby was comin pain meds or not he was comin wasn poop lik i thought it was him... So they checked me n said please dnt push as they ran to get the dr... She came in i was ready ... Legs gapped open ... Pushed for 15 mins bcuz he turned against my bone so they had to twist him as i pushed then at 10:40 am my bookie love was here....!!! Labor was hell felt everything but so worth it 😊😊😊

Лучший комментарий


Exactly no control body jus naturally pushes @mmmirage thanks im glad its over too @babygirl10-11 😂😂😂 she said she not stayin in any longer lol makes u wonder do any of these nurses have kids they knw babies come out lik that
23.02.2015 Нравится Ответить
awww congrats sounds painful .... i yelled at my nurse cuz she kept saying dont push but it was to late her head was out the nurse had to catch her lol
23.02.2015 Нравится Ответить
Ouchhhh sounded like a rough labor! It's funny when they say don't push Cuz sometimes the mother can't control it. I'm glad ur done with all the pain! So happy for u. Congrats!!!!
22.02.2015 Нравится Ответить
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