Labor & Delivery story:
So i started dilating week 35 by the time i was 39 weeks i was 5cm on my own... Bcuz of swelling n blood pressure my dr decided to induce me the next morning so on the morning of 2/20 i arrived at 5:00 am n they immediately hooked me up n started pitocin at 6:30 along wit my usual contractions... It was very bearable i had no problems at all then around 7:30 i started having to urinate A LOT! Back to back... Bed pan after bed pan filled... Round 8 am they broke my water n all hell broke loose😁😣 PAIN UNBEARABLE PAIN!!!!! The worst ever .. Hurt so bad i couldn cry... Remind u i was 5cm wen i first came in .. Started feelin lik i had to poop so i yelled it out n my MIL called fa a nurse... She checked me i was 8 cm but begged for the epidural ... They gave in n gave it to me... Waste of time becuz by the time he was finished i could no longer sit on my vagina baby was comin pain meds or not he was comin wasn poop lik i thought it was him... So they checked me n said please dnt push as they ran to get the dr... She came in i was ready ... Legs gapped open ... Pushed for 15 mins bcuz he turned against my bone so they had to twist him as i pushed then at 10:40 am my bookie love was here....!!! Labor was hell felt everything but so worth it 😊😊😊