I'm mentally so unprepared for all this shit my daughter going through. If it's not one thing it's another and I'm so ready to be done. Because they stuck my daughter every possible way she has no more veins all of them are used up or not showing there are putting a temporarily IV line which all her medications and nutrients in up until surgery and after for recovery... they are trying to do it in her head and I already broke down cause I can't do it anymore and continue to do it with out anyone there for me. it's so I have no moral support from her father cause he doesn't call and check in on how she's doing. everything is just fucked up and I'm sad and all congested and runny nose just balling my eyes tired and my milk supply getting dried up cause of the stress and everybody is enjoying there babies meanwhile they wanna shave my baby head and put a needle which I'd gunna hurt idc what no one say and they all her clothes she can't fit and idk what to buy because one minute she can wear pants the next minute she can't wear a shirt like it's just a lot snd I'm so unhappy and nothing is helping but venting to you girls .. I'm sorry I'm ranting but I'm Ballin my eyes out right now I feel so alone. it's like I'm a horrible mom if I don't give consent to do it cause its her health we talking about but then again it's like I don't wanna torcher her no more . ugh fml can't smoke or drink being a nursing mom and praying and trusting in god I'm slowing loosing my faith it's something new everyday 😓😓😔😔😭😭😭😣😣💔💙 I need,help