these nurses up here are so rude! first they tell me I'm not registered which I am and then tell me its your first baby you won't have a fast easy birth um I get that but honestly no pregnant woman wants to hear that!
@bree961, induction can take a while, but depending on how well your body takes to being forced into labor it could be easier for you. No two labors are the same. Just take advantage of getting up and moving around if you can. I didn't cause I was too worried and he was still high up when I had to push. Also if they let you eat before you reach active labor then eat. Even if you don't really want to, you need that energy.
@bree961 well you're in labor right? you have the right to be a complete bitch to them, and they aren't allowed to say anything. and you can blame it on the labor pains lol
with my first baby my labor was only 8 hours and I only pushed 4 times until he came out. so they can't tell you that. they don't know how fast it's going to go. they are so rude!