It's disturbing to me to read about women talking about their boyfriends, fiance/husbands not being the biological father for a baby not born yet or a erks me.
@aicnov14, I definitely think it's ok to frown upon men that leave their children fatherless. Are you serious right now? Sorry you worded that post so wrong. I'm not the only one who took it offensively.
@mmora, I say that because that's how I hear about it, I said it disturbs me hearing women talk about it...So that's judgemental or frowning on those women? so you're saying it's okay to frown upon those men? That's a little biased, I'm doing neither. plain and simple those situations suck and usually they're a little more dirty and gritty when it happens early on, which I think for the most part they could have been avoided.
Your post specifically said it erks you to hear women talk about men that aren't their child's biological fathers when they are still pregnant or with newborns. It sounded like you were talking down on those women, not on the men that left them.
@mmora,what part of those situations aren't disturbing? okay. your pregnant, the man you're with leaves you...That's a disturbing situation. or you break up get pregnant by a one night stand and go back to your ex and he takes care of the baby as his own, which is great there's a father figure in the picture but to me it's still a disturbing situation.
@aicnov14, Your post is very judgemental. Im not even in that situation and I think this post is offensive. I think it's great when a woman is with a man that is willing to raise a newborn as his own, even when it's not his. Not sure why a man loving a woman with a baby that isn't his would bother you. Just sounds judgemental and messed up to me
@sirenita_x3, I never said that you should stay with a man even if he's abusive because he's the child's biological father. I also said specifically pregnant women or women with newborns who have boyfriends, husbands, and fiances that are not the biological father..if this still applies to you, sorry about that, sorry if that offends you but it's sad and I'm not a fan of those situations and I think most people aren't fans of that.
Sometimes thinks happen, I was in an abusive relationship as soon as my ex found out I was pregnant and I had to leave for the sake of mine and my daughters safety. DNA has nothing to do with being a parent. I'm sorry but I refuse to let someone hurt my child especially if it's their "Biological" parent.