Alyssa Banda
very late but never got to share my labor story 😊 So January 25th on a Sunday night i went to eat my favorite mexican food soon after we finished i felt a gush of water come out and 2 weeks before i had a false alarm so i wasnt quite sure if this was one to,so i went to restroom and notice it keep coming out i looked at my mom and said i think my water broke she didnt believe me until we left go in her car and it still was coming out all over her new car seats lol she sas yelling at me but i couldnt stop it like you can with pee my bowel movements were just draining the water so i went home took a nice shower, shaved (everyone couldn't believe i did a great job) . After getting ready i went to labor and delivery with water leaking but no contractions as soon as they checked i was only 2 centimeters, my family knew it was going to be a long night, so i ended up getting admitted and set up in a room and at that time i knew it was time 😊 so i stayed there all monday with lil period contractions and doctor said i was progressing very very slow and it was dangerous since my water broke already so they put me up on potesin and OMGGG never have i thought i could be in sooo much pain i ended up getting epidural at 11pm (which felt great) until about 6am January 27th i felt the nost wierdest feeling as if i had the biggest stomach ache omg it hurt so badly so they checked me at 730 and i was finally 9 centimeters and around 745 i started pushing 4 sets of 3 pushes and at 7:59am my baby girl was born💋❤
9.2 лет

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