QUESTION: How long did you mommies wait to bring your newborn out shopping and running errands with you? I'm afraid to bring him anywhere because of germs.
basically when she was a newborn because she had a docs appt and it's like we had to run errands afterwards anyways so yes @babygirl10-11 me too lol exactly where we went
i took my baby out the same day we left the hospital we also went to walmart lol ... but besides that walmart trip and her trip to the doctors the next day i waited 1 week cuz any longer was not an option i have a full time working hubby and 2 other kids in school so my baby was out and about at 1 week old
with all the flu and diseases going around I would wait even longer than 2 weeks. I'm gonna wait till my baby gets his first immunizations. probably go to family places but not out into the dirty public germs. be careful it's so bad right now.
I see newborns all the time when I'm out...for me personally I'm going to wait a few weeks maybe a month with that flu going around. also I'm not sure what shape I will be in lol.