you guys are the reason I keep going. I've been crying like a mad woman. My bf has also been the most supportive person in every step of the way, I'm very fortunate to have you guys. thank you for everything ladies!
prayers to you guys ,I miscarried in May on mothers day &&I thought it was the end of the world &nobody; could tell me different. I was depressed all the time ,with little outbreaks of crying here &there; or when I was around baby stuff. but trust me it gets better in due time . 5 months later I found out I was pregnant again. . I was 4 weeks when I found out , then found out at 9 weeks it's twins &&here; I am almost 15 weeks. There is light at the end of the tunnel . love you guys
Oh bump buddy. Kik me if you can :sweetsweetstreets .....I'd love to be a shoulder , an ear, or anything else you may need. My last pregnancy ended in ectopic I know I can't feel your pain but I understand. Praying for speedy recovery!
I feel so sad for u....! Wish i could hug u!! In due time u will have another sweet baby!! Im always available to talk ... If only we had a chat on here
god has a plan for both you women. I'm sorry that it this happened. sometimes it seems unclear why things happen like this. I hope things turn your way soon . @beautifulsbby830 & @linzka2
I woke up with my uterus tightening and at first I ignored it and laid back down. about 7 am the pains became unbearable and I was running to the bathroom to throw up..I thought it was morning sickness coming back so I brushed my teeth and then had to use the bathroom and the minute I sat down I felt a release and all this blood started rushing scared the cap out of me. I filled up a pad in 10 minutes. so I put a towel in between my legs so my bf could take me to the hospital and they ran the ultrasound and said they were sorry for my loss
I'm really sorry for your loss. I suffered from multiple miscarriages, so I know how painful it can be.. I know it's really hard right now to understand or even care, but do know your body did not fail you. This unfortunate event was not your fault. I know it's easy to feel like you did something wrong but remember that things like this happen and there's nothing we can do to change it. This isn't the end for you. One day you are going to be blessed with a beautiful Rainbow baby, and because of everything you've been through you will love that baby more than you could ever imagine. Don't ever give up. ❤