haven't been on here in a few days, we got to come home yesterday. I deliveRed at 7:52 a.m. on Tuesday, I was suppose to be induced at 7 that morning but I woke up to my water breaking at 3:30 that morning and contractions coming 3 min apart. Elijah was 7 lbs 14 oz 20 1/2 in long perfect lil boy! had surgery to have my tubes tied wednesday they had to make a bigger cut than normal because they got my right tube cut n clamped n went to do my left n it completely came off of my uterus they had to remove the whole thing and sew my uterus so I have staples in my belly..I was in alot of pain Wednesday and thursday, still some today just not as bad. im just so happy to be at home with all my children and husband I missed my little girls so so so much.