Thank you to anyone in advance who decides to read this novel.
I am Annoyed.
my best friend ever changed her wedding from April to end of June, which Is fine but I ordered a dress so i could fit it in April being about 7 months pregnant. Idk about June. Second her damned wedding is the day after mine, which will be my first anniversary being married but her bachelorette party is either that Friday or Saturday... So am I not supposed to celebrate my first anniversary???? She put me in charge to plan her Bacherlorette party but that's when I thought it was in April!!!
Third, her wedding is June 28 , my baby is due june20. I could have baby early or past that date. So she's expecting me to drop out a kid and then drive three and a half hours to ur wedding with three kids.. One being a newborn?? Baby isn't even supposed to be outside for two weeks and could have same heart issues my youngest had because my husband had it. Also i will be breast feeding and idk if ill have enough milk to leave for my baby while i attend wedding. I feel like she doesn't care and I'm supposed to drop everything for her wedding, but i will have a newborn or could possibly still be pregnant.. I cant travel that far pregnant! I will feel horrible if I miss her wedding because I love her but i feel like she thinks it's more important than me having a baby, which to her it might be but my baby has to be my priority. Idk how to get her to understand that. She's super Super emotional and i know she won't think about it logically shell just be hurt which is not what I want to do. She said she didn't know my due date was in June she thought it was in May. Ive tried explaining to her and i feel like shes not getting it because she keeps telling me oh well u can bring baby after you have it and you csn be away from baby for a few hours...etc or you can just get a different dress or bla bla. I'm trying to be tactful, but all i really want to say is look bitch if my baby isnt born first week of June i wont be there. sorry. Damn. I hate having friends with no kids sometimes.

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This is a tough one but I'm gonna have to say that she's being unreasonable and as your best friend she should know your due date especially if she really wants u there that badly. Slightly selfish if u ask me. Baby comes first always . I hope u find a reasonable compromise
12.01.2015 Нравится Ответить
yea I'm sure itll be videotaped so thats what ill do and get her something nice but i just wish she would put herself in my shoes for just a second and understand that i have no choice. She wont be mad but she'll be all moping and annoying and whiny and all "whoa is me" thats whats annoying me the most. But Ive done all i can do. @14emathews
11.01.2015 Нравится Ответить
@tattooedwho hmmmm I know this is her BIG day and all but its also a big and special time for you too. yes its sad that you can't be there for her but is she having her wedding videotaped or anything?? if so you can watch it with her and it'll be like you were there in a sense. if you do decide not to go you could always gift her something the day of her wedding like flowers with a note saying thinking of you. I just feel its too close to call and the uncertainty of when your baby is coming should be a valid reason if you decide not to go. yes it may be a bummer not to be there for her but you didn't expect her to change the date on you.
11.01.2015 Нравится Ответить
11.01.2015 Нравится Ответить
she changed it from April because she wanted more time to save and plan and she said thought i was due in May. And i keep trying to explain to her babies dont have a schedule..this kid is coming when it's ready, and she keeps talking about my other pregnancies where both my kids were a week earlier than due date, but i keep saying every pregnancy is different. shes not grasping it though. If. i miss it i will try to make it up to her but I'm not going to feel guilty for having a baby. it's just frustrating talking to her, like a talking to wall @14emathews.
@californiahaley idk i hate to think that but it's crossed my mind... but shes been such a great friend to me over soo many yrs so ill give her the benefit of the doubt on that one lol.
11.01.2015 Нравится Ответить
if shes a real good friend she should be more understanding. what was so wrong with April? by switching it to June she's putting you at an inconvenience. like yes you want to be there for your friend but babies come on their own schedule and who knows how quickly you'll recover after you deliver if you deliver before her wedding. is there any way you can make it up to her if you can't make it?? like have a girls day??
11.01.2015 Нравится Ответить
Maybe it's cause she doesn't want people to be giving you any attention.
11.01.2015 Нравится Ответить
idk i doubt it she wasnt of the other two lol i think shes just kinda self absorbed @californiahaley
11.01.2015 Нравится Ответить
Maybe she's jealous of your new baby?
11.01.2015 Нравится Ответить
idk what her problem is @californiahaley
11.01.2015 Нравится Ответить
That's really unfair of her. I'm sorry.
11.01.2015 Нравится Ответить
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