I was out of service area for a few days.... And to be honest I can't remember the last day I posted so I'm going to wrap this up.
Day 18 - kicks?
Yes!! I felt flutters at 10 weeks, and other people could feel kicks at 16 weeks. Now you can see the impression of her foot when she stretches her leg out. She is really running out of room to "kick".
Day 19 - precious moment
The first time I saw her on the ultrasound- I never realized you could love someone you had never met, first time DH referred to his "daughter", and first time it hit me that I would be a "mommy"
Day 20 -looking forward to?
Holding my little girl - as much as I am so uncomfortable in the end of this pregnancy, I wouldn't trade it for anything knowing that my LO is coming soon.

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