So, I'm currently 35 weeks 5 days and I've been doing non stress tests for a while now, everything had been going alright. Last week however my blood pressure began to run high, feet were enormous, then the protein in my urine, blurred vision, headaches.. Wednesday they decided to take me into labor and delivery to monitor everything. Instantly they took me out if work and said complete bedrest is a must. They kept me over night, then all day again and here I am. I've not gotten horribly worse, pressure is still elevated, blurred vision is the worst, and the headache is still bad but they may give me the choice to go home on bed rest. I'm being told to stay in the hospital as long as I'm able (up to two weeks for optimal delivery at 37 weeks in this case) should I even try bed rest at home or stay put? What would you ladies do?

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I would stay put so they can monitor you.
26.12.2014 Нравится Ответить
I would stay put. That way there monitoring your baby 24/7...hope everything goes well && good luck
26.12.2014 Нравится Ответить
if they give you the option to go home i would. I had to stay in hospital for all while when 37 weeks. it was horrible. you will be so much more comfortable at home. thats just my opinion tho. good luck
26.12.2014 Нравится Ответить
For the sake and health of you and your baby I would stay put. Not saying that you wouldnt cooperate but I know if it was me I wouldnt be completely on bedrest at home I would find some reason to be up and running aomewhere thinking oh this lil bit wont hurt but in reality we never know what may happen.
26.12.2014 Нравится Ответить
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