Okay ladies I really want some feedback from yall cause now that I'm rethinking the situation I feel like I overreacted. Okay so here's what's up.
I work for a local boys and girls club. I go in 3-7 every day except Wednesdays and Fridays. Wednesday's we go in at 2:45 and Fridays we get out at six. Not many hours so I try to get as much as I can get. Okay well my "manager" pretty much the director of the club sent me home today about 30 mins short of my last hour. Told me I wouldn't get paid for the last 30 mins so I guess I'd only get half an hour. There was still kids there, I was having a funny conversation with two other co workers (there's 5 total including my manager) and we had already done our daily chores. He rudely comes around saying he doesn't need me there anymore and for me to just go home. I snapped back at him saying why do my hours have to be cut if I'm trying to get money to support my daughter. Mind you, this man has no kids, gets paid 550 every two weeks from the boys and girls club for going in 2-7 which he only goes in 3-7 now that he has a fixed pay. I was furious!! Before then I literally had to beg him to do something around the place because he makes only us clean and he just sits around and does nothing. He thinks taking out the trash (only like three bags half full) is such a hassle. Idk if I'm being dramatic or I just don't like the guy but it really upset me.