Have any of the old wive's tales been true for any of you for gender prediction? Like implantation side, acne, carrying low/high, cravings, chinese gender chart? Just curious!!:)
Nothing has worked for us like the ring sad twins the app on said female the baking soda said female the Chinese gender one said boy then in took another and it said girl the key trick said twins. and I'm definitely only having one baby BOY I'm 20 weeks and some days so to me it's just all myths! and the heart rate is just a myth one also
My family swears by the penny trick. it's one that the grandparents passed down. you squeeze a little colostrum out of one of your breasts and put it onto a penny. then hold it against the wall for 10 seconds. if it falls that means girl if it sticks that means boy. so far it's worked for everyone I know but again it's just one of those fun things to do :)
none worked on me expect the ring trick...my dad put a gold ring on a string and held it over my tummy. if it swings in a circle then it's a girl...side to side it's a boy. at 10 weeks my dad did that and it said a girl. EVERYTHING else pointed to a boy lol turns out I'm having a girl <3