well when I first had her we tried and tried but nothing was coming out and she would latch but then stop. So I switched to bottles until milk comes in but slowly coming but not really but who knows we'll see
Did you just stay pumping, maybe ejected your further in it, cause I've been breast feeding strictly since the day she was born almost a month ago but who knows, your lucky!
that's so weird I'm completely opposite, I guess I'm one those 50% women they say don't have any symptoms.. I could pump today and not pump at all rest of day & go to sleep and have no pain no hard breasts its weird.. @camillesmom
I did at first, then all this infection stuff happened and I threw it all away but even if I did that is have to wake up in the middle of the night to pump so I wouldn't get engorged, I tried that one time when someone told me I couldn't Breast feed while on a med so I gave her formula at night, and didn't pump and woke up in major pain and SUPER full and hard breasts
I know exactly what you mean even when her dad is off and he is up at night with her so I can sleep I have to be up every 3 hours when he brings her to me to feed her!