in need of some advice.
tomorrow is my due date.
my boyfriend is only 21, I'm 24. he seems to not want to grow up, get a better job or even make sure he has money to pay the bills while I'm on maternity leave. he's had 8 months to prepare (found out I was pregnant at five weeks) and he hasn't saved a dime. (I've been covering all the bills and expenses)
he hasn't even spent one penny towards this baby! (My family bought everything for my baby shower)
he doesn't seem like he's going to grow up anytime soon and I'm really sick of it. I don't know what to do or even how to go about it, it's looking like I'd be better off alone.
anyone else go through this?

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haven't been here personally but I wouldn't be putting up with it. if he can't grow up and be a man and help support you and your child, why should you support him? be strong for yourself and for your baby, you shouldn't have to put up with that. you don't need anybody.
14.11.2014 Нравится Ответить
You have to do what's best for you & the kids.. if he can't step up to plate then maybe it's best take time apart and let him know your serious otherwise he's never going to change.
14.11.2014 Нравится Ответить
Sounds like if u don't separate you'll be raising two kids instead of one. Do what's best for you and your little one.
14.11.2014 Нравится Ответить
Aww girl I am in the same exact boat, I am only 17 weeks found out at 4 weeks I was oregnant I am a server at a restaurant so I pay for literally everything. While me being 21 and my man is 23 working at Dairy Queen getting paid only twice a month 300$ pay checks and doesn't want another job or to save money or Anything. I offered to even get a second job and he didn't say anything about it also I asked him for a little bit of money for rent since I can't close anymore I don't make enough as fast as I usually have. It's a very very rough thing to go thro girl And I am terribly sorry we had to go thro tjis
14.11.2014 Нравится Ответить
we just got an apartment together a few months back... so he has to remove himself off the lease.
I fear that nothing's going to change. and I can't deal with two babies in the house.
14.11.2014 Нравится Ответить
my bd same way ugghh I wish I knew answer too ;/ I jus separated myself from him.. Time waits on nobody.
14.11.2014 Нравится Ответить
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