Little fun fact for you ladies the longest human pregnancy recorded in history was 375 days thats over a year. I just thought all you mommas wanting to rush your baby should think about what this woman did for her baby. I know its so hard to be patient we just have to remember God will bring them as soon as they're ready not as soon as we are ready. ♡

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I couldn't agree more with you ladies. Because the hospitals have made it sound like such a process we tend to forget how natural birth is supposed to be. There were millions of us here way before we had all the things that we supposedly need according to the doctors . Just putting it in God's hands is enough for me. @alhynele @brittneilynn21
06.11.2014 Нравится Ответить
@alhynele, yep. even when you know the conception date. it's no guarantee that your baby needs an eviction notice by week 42. when we leave birth alone and just take care of ourselves I believe there are less ljkely to be so many complications.
06.11.2014 Нравится Ответить
@brittneilynn21, I think people also forget that your due date is an ESTIMATE, doctors never really know for sure when u conceived so u may think you're over due when in fact you are on schedule and baby is still prepping for his or her grand entrance.
06.11.2014 Нравится Ответить
yes!!!!!!! I'm so glad someone said this! I've been in groups where moms don't go into labor until like week 43-45! this is normal. I've also seen the hurt and disappointment of a mom who let them induce her at 42 weeks and baby ended up in the NICU. he wasn't ready to come out. we all develop differently and our babies even grow differently. The Most High knew what He was doing when He created the birth process. :)
06.11.2014 Нравится Ответить
I agree when I read that I was so fascinated! @pregomom
06.11.2014 Нравится Ответить
I agree that babies should stay in as long as they need to, that story is incredible though.
06.11.2014 Нравится Ответить
The baby was completely fine and it was only 6 lbs . Having the baby in your tummy long does only good unless it causes stress on the baby it doesn't do any harm only good. @pregomom
06.11.2014 Нравится Ответить
I am on the exact same page as you! I am super excited to meet my baby but if it wants to stay in my tummy for longer than thats fine with me! I feel a closer bond this way anyhow haha I feel like the baby is just mine for now and i wanna keep it that way for as long as the baby does. Pregnancy may be stressful at times but I LOVE having my baby in my belly and im cherishing it while it lasts ♡ @alhynele
06.11.2014 Нравится Ответить
My goodness, how is that possible? I wonder how big the baby was and if it had birth defects.
06.11.2014 Нравится Ответить
I'm keeping my little one in there for as long as she wants. I've noticed that people start trying to induce labour at 38 weeks even, when 40 weeks is a complete full term. You are only over due after that and even then what's one or two more weeks. I respect everyone right to do whatever they want during their pregnancy but I personally want to my little one pop out when she is good and ready. I can't wait to meet her though lol
06.11.2014 Нравится Ответить
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