Opal Amanda
Opal Amanda
I'm currently 19 weeks and two days. I'm
No longer with my child's father, we don't even have contact with one another. I've lost excitement for this whole pregnancy, I feel
Like I'm going to fail my son. I've lost my appetite and spend most days in bed. I'm so depressed. I've been trying to stay positive but it's become so hard. I have no one to talk too, I feel so alone and I'm going through it alone. Everything is catching up with me and I don't know if it's my hormones or what but it hurts so bad. I am broken, completely.

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@pro ssyprissyme, I understand completely!
10.10.2014 Нравится Ответить
@sirenita_x3, those are my exact sentiments, it was just everything else going on around me at the moment that was weighing me down. I don't really care for my sons father though and there's nothing he can teach my son so honestly I don't feel like as far as him, I'm missing out on anything like you said my son deserves more. I rather him have no father than a part time one second guessing his own worth because of a jackass nope mommy and family are all you need to be great
10.10.2014 Нравится Ответить
I will not allow my child's father into my life and honestly it was the best decision I made. You have to look at the brighter side of things sometimes. We were together for 2 years, I was so InLove with him and was waiting for him to change, even him wanting a child with me couldn't fix him. I'm doing it for me and my child. We don't deserve to be treated that way.
10.10.2014 Нравится Ответить
@mommytantrum, definitely!
05.10.2014 Нравится Ответить
I sooooo get this. My baby daddy is an alcoholic. All he has to do is get sober. Easier said than done, but he's not doing counseling and still drinking. I was depressed for so many weeks. It may sound cliche but going to church is what helped me out of it. The sermon was about denial and how only God can lift his ass out of denial. It's not my fault or job to do it. If I want to be a well rounded mom I had to find my happiness again. Start enjoying this pregnancy because who knows, I may never get another chance at this. Being alone is scary and lonely and it's okay to not feel 100% happy about the circumstances. We're human hun but there's a reason you're having a baby. Some reason you and I might not figure out for a long time but I had my 20 week ultrasound and I saw that baby boy and just thought, I will never let him feel as unloved or unworthy as his dad made me feel. If I can just do that, that's enough. Honestly I sometimes wish my baby daddy would just go away. Because what's worse is realizing the courts my force me to give my child time with an alcoholic because I don't have enough proof and because when we were together I made covered up for his fuck ups. Now I have to deal with emotional chaos everytime we talk, and everytime I think about him fighting me for placement.
05.10.2014 Нравится Ответить
@prissyprissyme, your welcome. I have my baby daddy in my life but i know how it feels personally because i didn't have a mother or father because they both didnt want nothing to with me. And it hurts. Just love that baby. One is better than nothing
04.10.2014 Нравится Ответить
@deanna, yes it's really fucked and unfortunate, but it's life and I've learned. I say the same thing cause it's more less the mans child than the women, were just the carriers but men don't see it as "without them there would be no baby". So it's very unfortunate. But my Son is MY son and MY son will be raised as just that. Not out of bitterness nor resentment, but the facts that, I don't need no man half around forcing himself to be there because he feels obligated not cause he wants to be. And I don't need MY feeling any less because he feels he isn't good enough for love. So regardless I still won't talk bad about his dad, because he's being raised by a queen. Thank you so much for your words I really appreciate all the genuine care.
04.10.2014 Нравится Ответить
Ugh men. This breaks my heart with you and all the other ladies on here that go through this. Im tired of these men all for making a baby but run from raising it. It's ridiculous and no women in the world deserves this its unfair and unfair to the baby. Because you are a strong woman i know your son will be a strong man and love his mom and be the man his father never was. He would have your back better more than anyone i know it. Im sorry hun and please dont blame yourself like some women do its never you fault. Some men are sooo dirty!! Ugh!!
04.10.2014 Нравится Ответить
Ofcourse anytime! And thank u! You're so right! We have to set examples for our little ones now. We have to be their role models. Rather it be us than random people lol
03.10.2014 Нравится Ответить
@mmmirage, thank you so much. I've been telling myself this for a while, I try to be strong because only a strong woman can raise a Man. Thank you so much, you're a strong woman god bless you and I'm sorry to hear you're going threw the same disappointments
03.10.2014 Нравится Ответить
No woman needs a man who doesn't need her. That baby is in your stomach for a reason. God blessed u. Don't even think abt your ex now. I'm going thru the exact same as u. My husband officially said he is getting a divorce few days ago. I've been with my parents. Honestly, it's for the best. All u should care about is that baby! Whether ur ex is the father or not, a real man will come along that'll be willing to give u both his all. I will pray for that! Be strong!
03.10.2014 Нравится Ответить
if you ever need to talk I'm here
03.10.2014 Нравится Ответить
@phe, I figured it's my hormones raging but I am going through a lot. I'll try to remain positive thank you, you woman are blessings.
03.10.2014 Нравится Ответить
@bree31, I know trust me and that's what's been keeping me going thus far but eventually you come to your breaking point you know, but thank you for all your words I honestly appreciate it
03.10.2014 Нравится Ответить
@aimes102, thanks I really do appreciate it
03.10.2014 Нравится Ответить
I think just about every female gets depression somewhere through out there pregnancie. I'm with the father of my child but sometimes I think me and my daughter will be better of with out him its nothing to feel bad about just wait tell our little ones get here and its going to be like nothing else in the world matters.
03.10.2014 Нравится Ответить
think of your child, He is all the reason you need to be positive. GOD made us women strong, you can do this on your own. Find a support group, talk to you OB about your depression. I was only 5 wks prey when my oldest daughters father left me, I was depressed for a while, but then I realized I can't let No Man stress me out this much when I have a lil human being growing inside of me to take care of, to love... you're child is you reason to go on! I'm praying for you! keep ta head up honey!
03.10.2014 Нравится Ответить
I'm thinking of you prissy if you need someone to talk too were here!
03.10.2014 Нравится Ответить
I meant things ,and no problem
03.10.2014 Нравится Ответить
@lee0924, thank you so much, especially with all these things going on with the babies health etc. it's really complicated staying strong. Thank you so much!
03.10.2014 Нравится Ответить
I understand completely ,your going to be ok Hun,even though your not going to feel like you are right now,my situation is a little similar ,trying to balance it with my boyfriend ,but together or single parent we can do it ,that's have to get bad before they can get better ....anyway good luck ,and can always talk to your preggie friends
03.10.2014 Нравится Ответить
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