Opal Amanda
Opal Amanda
So, a few days ago I did genetic testing to see if my baby would have any disabilities. The numbers came back higher for Down syndrome and I now have to speak to a counselor about my options as far as continuing this pregnancy. The midwife said it isn't a final diagnosis, and it still makes me wonder. I'm not sure exactly how to take this, I'm thinking of getting a second opinion. Has this happen to anyone you know, or has anyone experienced this before and received a good outcome? I don't want to terminate my pregnancy and then chances are I could have had a healthy baby. All my sonograms are amazingly fine, the baby is always described as perfect as no one in mine/ or my child's father family has ever been diagnosed with Down Syndrome and it's supposed to be passed through genetic. I need advice 😕

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@prissyprissyme, yea my doctor scared me so bad. I was a work and i had to leave because i couldnt think straight. But being that everything else is fine and your in good health, your baby is fine. I bet its the same thing what happen to me, just the numbers were higher than they like to where they have to warn you
23.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
@xenaz124, see the thing with me is they found no other link aside a gene. Other than that my baby is perfectly fine, I'm beginning to think these things are procedure though because there are to many coincidences on these things, especially under this post. So keep your head up, if your ultra sounds are healthy and normal as mine have been your baby should be fine. I've become content since this post and your amazing feedbacks, maybe you should skim through my comments also I know after reading all the stories I am now confident I'll have a healthy baby :)
23.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
I'm going through the same thing. Before 20 wks the dr was saying my baby is perfect and healthy. Last week I went for my 20 week anatomy scan and they found a Vsd in my baby which is a hole in the heart but it could close on it own. So I started doing research and found out that VSD is associated with Down syndrome. Omg idk but I freaked out to be honest. It would be so hard for me to see my child go through so much. So today I got an amneo which is genetic testing to see if the baby has Down syndrome. And it's super stressful because the results don't come in till 2 more days. And I have the decision to terminate until 24 weeks. I've searched on how parents deal with childern that have Down syndrome and it's so stressful. And I wouldn't wanna put my child through that. So just pray mama everything is going to be okay !!! Have hope. I know I do
23.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
@regelbaby, yes, those are my same odds. My midwife couldn't really explain it so she didn't want to give me any real details, however she said enough to scare me. But she also said my odds are 1/200, I guess it's something that happens often as I read these post and I've googled a few things. I'm noticing that they seem to tell everyone that now in days, which is really really horrible and I do feel they need more accurate testing. But the first test is with bloodwork and then an ultra sound because although she couldn't tell me much I was told something can be seen around the neck area in the ultra sound that alerts the doctors, and since my last ultra sound examination was 15 weeks I have pretty high hopes! I think you should also. I'll definitely keep everyone posted as you should also :)
23.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
@deanna, I do, especially with everything else being normal. But it probably was more so the way the doctors worded everything when she called that made me so scared
23.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
@prissyprissyme, I am going through the EXACT same thing as you right now! Last Monday my obstetrician called and said with my age and all parts of ips test as factors, the chance of this child having downs was 1/200. Cried cried and cried! It's shocking. That's all I can say is shocking (I'm sure you felt the exact same way) I was referred to a genetic councillor who would discuss with me in further detail what the odds meant and to explain further tests - Harmony (simple blood test 99% accurate) or Amniocentesis (needle in ur belly 100% accurate) Now I have fallen in love with the little angel inside of me already and terminating this pregnancy if baby has downs is out of the question therefore I chose the Harmony test. I am still waiting on the results which I will get back hopefully within the next 5-7 days. I have had a lot of time to think, discuss and research. There are soooo many false positives!!! I don't know what your numbers are but like yours, my ultrasound images showed my baby growing and looking beautifully. (Phew! That's a good thing!!) The odds are on our side!! Think about it... Me for example, my odds are 1/200. That's a 0.04% chance my baby will have downs and a 99.6% chance he/she won't! I understand the anxiety and the confusion totally. Just know that god has chosen this particular child for you. And only special ppl are chosen to be parents to children with downs bc god knew they could handle it! .... IF that's the case! Just know I'm right here with you, and keep us updated:) xo
23.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
Even if it turns out that the baby has it ,your still suppose to love your baby no matter what but it have been times that it didn't come out to be true
23.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
Ooops @lulukiddy that comment was for @prissyprissyme above 😖
23.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
@lulukiddy, your very welcome. And thats what help me through this whole thing i saw that my baby was normal and healthy. Deep down in my heart i knew he was ok. I just know doctors just want to be on the safe side and i have faith your baby will be fine too
23.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
Down syndrome isn't something to fear, and child can be perfectly normal for the most part, my great grandmother, mom and aunt used to be teacher for them and different types of handicaps, and honestly they're so loving, more than normal kids, they have extra healthy problems, but honestly it depends on the child, and how they're raised and what they can do, they're really no different, but definitely more rewarding! But do what's best for you, and what you feel is right.
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
@deanna, thank you so much, I really appreciate all that information and it's brings relief because I've had sonograms and as I said before I'll say again proudly, I was told "my baby is growing beautifully and perfectly fine and on track", but I'll take it all in vein, and ask for an emergency ultra sound at my appointment with the specialist. thank you so much! This all really helps.
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
I dont remember the name of the teat but i can tell you what they did. (The name is something super fancy) first before they asked me if i wanted the test, my baby father and i had to fill out a paper with all our medical history and family history. Then she talked about my numbers. They were not too high but not where they would like to see it so dont freak out yet. Then she took a sonogram to see physical signs of any defects and there where none. And last is a simple blood test and if that come back fine your good. There is a test after that i forgot the name but you dont have to do that if your blood and sonogram is ok because that one is where they take a needle through your tummy and test the fluid around the baby but theres a chance of miscarriage with that. And im glad i can help you i dont want you making and bad choices without knowing the facts first. Your doctor just wants to make sure your baby is ok thats all @prissyprissyme
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
@deanna, thank you so much I'm really anticipating this visit in Wednesday with the specialist. Which test did you do? I've seen the optional test but they don't seem safe and all end with risk of miscarriage. And my baby is very healthy according to the sonograms so I guess for now I'll just let it be. Thank you so much for sharing that with me it was really helpful
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
I went through the same thing. And once i did a few more test i found out that my baby is healthy. Once you talk to the counselor she will explain those numbers and what they mean. It doesnt mean for sure your baby has it. It means it is possible in the genes. Im here for you if you need to talk cause i know how you feeling. I cried at first cause i didnt know@prissyprissyme
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
@laurie, that's just one of the options they threw at me
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
Why would u not continue the pregnancy if it has Down's syndrome ?
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
@ranoazimova, that's basically my thoughts with all of this. You ladies have been really helpful, thanks so much.
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
@prissyprissyme, thanx, i hope everh will be ok with ur baby) wish all of us will be perfect moms)
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
You don't think abt yourself you think abt ur child, how difficult will be for him in this cruel world. How he/she will handle all of this. Idk so sad, so sad!! Hope nobody will feel it(😢
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
@ranoazimova, I'm so sorry to hear that. My ultra sound and everything about my baby was perfectly fine (thankfully) it's just slight glitch in the blood work that as you said was a "risk", not an absolute diagnosis but it's still scary you know? I'm so sorry you had to experience that. Thank you for your well wishes.
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
@mommyof3, for me, it isn't about loving a child less or more when a child is yours (for most) you naturally love them unconditionally anyway. It's about a fear of something being wrong with a child as a mom or mom to be no matter how big or small it's still worries you. And still scares you especially when you're a first time mom like myself, it's not about loving or killing an innocent child to correct you. But that was an option thrown at me. I never said I loved my unborn any less, but that doesn't mean I'm immune to fearing for my child's health and what's best for my child as a first time mom who's never been in this situation before. And I'm getting a second opinion, thank you.
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
@mommyof3, you will never know until you have the same situation! Hope you will never have it!
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
Don't do it, now my doctor says me that it only the risk that the baby has this syndrome, my ultra sound was abnormal low fluid and bright bones, and doctor told me that smth wrong. But who knows maybe everh was ok, it will be a question for me till my last days😥
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
If my kid had Down syndrome I would love him or her the same way . But instead we should kill a innocent baby.. Plz go get a second opinion some doctors are stupid
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
@allyandbaby, I have an appointment with a specialist this coming Wednesday. I'm also going to get a 3D ultrasound done somewhere else to observe my baby's features more detailed. It's really baffling when all my ultra sounds are perfectly fine and my baby is always described as growing beautifully and healthy and very very active. Hopefully everything turns out okay, thank you so much your words were really relieving!
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
So sad..
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
Definitely. The doctor tried to tell me my baby wasn't going to live, it was going to have downs, and the bowel was growing outside the body. She was wrong. The specialist said that doctors are diagnosing a lot of babies with Down syndrome because they don't have the proper education. See if there's any specialist in your area who can actually give an insight on what's going on
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
@mommyof3, no, it's perfectly legal a lot of women do it
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
@ranoazimova, and that's my biggest fear, I don't want to make the mistake of getting an abortion and chances are my baby is completely healthy. Were your Ultra Sounds also abnormal? I didn't have a testing to diagnose anything yet, due to my bloodworm results there's a 1 in 200 chance. However it's still worries me that there's a chance at all
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
Isn't that illegal
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
@mommyof3, yes I'm going to get a 3D ultra sound tomorrow morning to examine the features of my baby a little more
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
@allyandbaby, thank you so much, that brings a lot of relief I'll go through with the testing before anything drastic
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
I had the same situation, i was so upset and didn't know to do, then i decided to do abortion. It's very difficult to remember all these cos i was 20 weeks pregnant...((😥But now i'm pregnant the second time, and everything is ok) but still you know i feel like i did a big mistake. 😥
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
Go somewhere else and get a second opinion
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
Honestly this girl was having twins and they said that one of her baby will have Down syndrome because the nose was pointing weird and the two girls were born healthy
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
@mommyof3, its a complicated decision at this point honestly, because my doctors made termination an option makes it's worst. Also when I do get sonograms there isn't ever and issues my baby is always perfect. So I'm a bit caught between all this
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
I've seen a specialist twice because of something similar. I recently had blood work done and everything is fine :) . There are a lot of mistakes with genetic testing. Also the only way to truly know if your baby will have downs is to get an amnio. Good luck 😊
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
You will never know it's healthy until the baby is born
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
If your baby had down syndrome would you give up the baby for adoption? If not then go through with the pregnancy never kill a baby for no reason.
22.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
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