Extremely frustrated tonight, so i called myself timing the contractions I am STILL having and they were 4-5 minutes apart. Went to the hospital and they sent me home😒 my OB didnt even come in all he said was my cervix is still closed and my urine came back clean.. But these things are painful. Im drinking water i took tyelnol pm like rhey told me to.. This is so frustrating not knowing when this thing is gking to happen. Although im only 34 weeks im so ready for this to be over😒

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That does suck but I would have preferred to have labored alone since when I had my first, my water started leaking and they made me stay in bed and I think it took longer to give birth since moving around is supposed to help. Take a bath, get back massages, try and sleep because once baby comes relaxing isn't so easy. Best of luck! Hope you get to feel better soon.
03.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
I'm sorry they sent you home. That's scary that they are that close and they are making you stay home make sure your feet are up and drink water. Keep timing those things. Hopefully they calm down or get to a point where they take a closer look. Did they have you hooked up to the fetal monitor when you were there? Did it document a contraction when you were feeling one? Maybe they are just more painful bh doesn't seem likely with how much discomfort you're in and how close they are together, but you never know.
03.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
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