How long after your mucus plug comes out do you go into labor? Im 35 weeks

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Okay thanks
25.06.2014 Нравится Ответить
^^ what Haley said. It doesn't mean anything except your cervix is starting to change, which also could mean hours, days or weeks before you actually go into labor. I lost the first part of my plug at 34wks and bits and pieces since an just had the bloody show last night (which is the last of the mucus plug) I'm 36wks5days today.
24.06.2014 Нравится Ответить
24.06.2014 Нравится Ответить
@annilynnsmomma - I would say if you start writing other signs like even slight more regular BH I would give him/her a call just to see what they want you to do. But if not I would just wait. But if you get any water leaking even if you aren't sure if it's water or pee call right away. Even if it's just a tiny little bit.
24.06.2014 Нравится Ответить
Okay thank you. Should I call my doctor and have her check it out? Or just wait until my next appointment? It's on July 3rd
24.06.2014 Нравится Ответить
@annilynnsmomma - with me I had my sweep on Friday morning and lost most of it when I got home. But I also kept losing a bit more whenever I would pee. Saturday morning at 3 am I woke up in early labor. He was born Sunday at 12:37pm. But with every cervix check a little more would come out so I didn't lose it all at once. I can see where some people wouldn't even notice losing it if they lost a little at a time. Or losing a little over the corse of 3 weeks thinking that the first time was all of it and not realizing you're still losing bits over the weeks. Everyone's just different. I wish there was a dead set labor handbook that said "this is how lane goes" and you read it and you know lol
24.06.2014 Нравится Ответить
@Haley okay. Thanks! I've been hearing a lot of different things. Most of them have been saying 2 or 3 weeks afterwards
24.06.2014 Нравится Ответить
Everyone is different. Some go into labor with it still in. Some lose it over a few days. Some lose it too soon and it grows back. It's a sign some people see before labor but doesn't mean a 100% labor is on it's way
24.06.2014 Нравится Ответить
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