United States, North Carolina, Candler


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Как помочь бездомным в округе Гринвилл? Актуальная помощь, причины бездомности и сбор средств
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At least 3,281 men, women, and children experienced homelessness in Greenville County 2019-2020.

Homelessness in Greenville County is caused by many different factors:

- Lack of Affordable Housing (increased housing cost and poverty rates)
- Unemployment
- Mental Illness

Donations to this fundraiser would help the homeless by:
- Providing food, shelter, clothing, counseling, personal development, and addiction recovery
- Serve children who have been removed from their families through foster care programs.

Donate any amount to be entered to win a dozen of donuts from Krispy Kreme.

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Как беременность повлияла на вас? Симптомы, переживания и опыт материнства
When I got pregnant with my youngest son I felt like I was starting all over again. Now I really can say I experienced the "Every pregnancy is different." I was so confused with all my symptoms. Doctors would tell me, "that's normal." But the question in my mind is "How normal?" LOL.

Google was not really helping ease my mind at all but as I was searching, Peanut popped up. As I was exploring it, my mind became a little at ease due to the numerous of groups I could relate to all very accessible.

Let have a little fun. How did pregnancy make you feel?
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Книжный клуб для мам онлайн: игры и общение на Zoom с мамами со всего мира! Кто хочет?
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Hey mothers!

Are any of you interested in book clubs or weekly mother nights on zoom? Playing games and having conversations with others mothers international.
Кто чувствовал себя одиноко во время беременности или материнства? Loneilness awareness week
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Loneilness awareness week is next week.

Have anyone felt lonely as a mother or lonely during your pregnancy?

I know i felt very lonely in both stages. Felt like my kids were my only friends lol.

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