Good morning all, I don't post too often but I thought I'd share my delivery story. I have 2 boys ages 6 and 4. On July 5, at 38 weeks, I gave birth to my girl, Bailey Elle. I started having contractions at 6am on the 5th. I swore my water was going to break while I was home. Thank God it didn't. Around 10am, I decided it was time to go to the hospital. Took a quick shower, which I think made the contractions more painful, and left home around 1020. Got to the hospital around 1040, got checked by the Dr., who accidentally broke my water while I was still in Triage. I was rushed to a room with no time to change into a gown or for an iv. I started pushing at 1053 and 3 pushes later, Bailey was born at 11am. This by far was my fastest labor and delivery.