Danielle Winfield
United States, Mississippi, Starkville
♥️21 years old...Married to the love of my life....soon to be stay at home mom! Living life to the fullest♥️


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Ok so I’m a soon to be first time mommy to a baby boy. My due date is August 1st! I was just wanting to hear from u guys on labor and delivery. Of course I’m nervous. I definitely want an epidural to try and avoid as much paid as possible.
_ris_ Congrats!! I had an epidural and my L&D was pretty easy I think. Once I got the
jennatess They recommend always waiting until you’re at 6cm dilated before you get the epidural. Since it numbs
del_1568667055_mcmuffin1231 I got mine at 4.5cm and it didn’t stall my labor. My OB actually recommended I get
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All u mamas out there with baby boys....tell me some websites to shop for cute clothes! 💙
professor.hashbrown 98% of my son's stuff is from Walmart.
a.lares I just want you to know whatever u buy your son he will ruin... boys destroy everything
jmedina First i check Ross, and burlington for cheap carters sets, walmart online (they have more options online),
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Y’all give me some good ideas for a gender reveal! Themes and the actual reveal! I’ve got a few ideas up my sleeve but would love to hear what y’all did for yours! ♥️
db413 We did a photo shoot. Black and white pictures of paint balloons on a canvas. Silly string.
bait_4_bitter_bitchez My gender reveal is gonna be black water balloons filled with gender color paint and a tiny
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