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Ladies who have used Preseed! Tell me your experience using it please. Was it successful for you? How long until your bfp? I just purchased some to use on my next cycle. Do I use it when I’m ovulating? New to this please assist lol!
del_1556542223_sophiesmom I used it once and got pregnant that cycle. Will be using it again next time we
kitkatcreek Been using it for over a year. Still TTC. Definitely only use a pea sized amount!!!
cams Conceived 2nd month using it. I def agree with using half a tube or less. Unless you
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Would any of you fellow mom’s have an Ava bracelet that you’re not using any longer? If not I understand but it never hurts to ask. I don’t have the courage to buy one at full price and eBay has them but you’ve got to bid on them.
mandy720 @misslinds88, oh wow that’s amazing! Baby dust and prayers your way!
misslinds88 Wow this is good stuff to know thank you ladies. I would’ve been highly upset if I
mrs.letty.luna I vet prego using fertility tea by moontime brand... saw ava can do monthly payments
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I read on a different mom group I follow that if your child does this, you’ll soon find out your pregnant. Any of my fellow moms experienced this or is it just a myth?
mommy.wife138 @misslinds88, I just made a post with photos of the 4 tests to see if I’m going
misslinds88 @mommy.wife138, omg I see faint lines on all of them! How crazy lol
misslinds88 We’re the testes within the time frame? The lines didn’t appear after?
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