BFP 10/09/16 👶🏽
Emergency surgery to remove unknown mass 10/18/16- 17 cm x 15 cm x 10 cm benign tumor
10/28/16- dx with subchorionic hemorrhage; heart rate at 116- 6w4d measured 5w6d
11/02/16- heart rate at 79- 7w1d measured 6w1d
11/08/16- no heartbeat found- 8w2d measured 6w1d- started cytotec as I feel waiting for baby to pass naturally will cause my depression to worsen💔💔💔
05/13/17- cd3- started first round of clomid 50 mg x 5 days and doing opk
05/30/17- blood test to be done for progesteron...