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So... Who else feels bad about how much child support is coming from their child's father? I'm happy Eva will be getting everything she needs, though. It's sad I couldn't even get $100 a month from him and now the state is TAKING $600.
iqrahp5 @gemsofjade, I don't feel bad at all he had a problem paying $120 every month and now
gemsofjade @iqrahp5, I only feel bad because I didn't mean to make him live in his car lol.
iqrahp5 @gemsofjade, lol its his fault for not paying u when u told him too.....
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Btw, I'm breastfeeding my 2 month old and I got my period last week! Can you say MAD?! I was pissed with every pad change lol
del_1514591682_taviap Why are you mad about getting a period if I may ask?
gemsofjade I've just always heard if you breastfeed, your period takes longer to come back and mine came
del_1514591682_taviap Oh okay lol. Yeah mine did too at 3weeks pp and I was exclusively breastfeeding for three
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People keep telling me not to get my baby's ears pierced until she's 4-5 months. In some cultures they pierce ears at birth! She will be okay.
mommytolucia I got my daughters at 2 months, I figured if she was older she would tug and
fabulousmommieof2 that's what I people kept telling me by daughter got hers done 2 weeks,ago at 4 weeks
daisymae22 Girl you're her momma! You can do whatever you want with her! (As long as it doesn't
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They lied when they said all the pain goes away once the baby comes out and you see it lol
gemsofjade @madibug96, right! They were still digging all in me and I had to be sewn up
madibug96 Yea she was trying to get my placenta out and I wanted to kill her lol
missdee Yes! I was still screaming in pain afterwards
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