Adrianni Timberlake
United States, Nevada, North Las Vegas
Age 21 👪 Mama of 2 Suga Bun - 💖 born May 17th 2015 Lil Buttercup - 💜 EDD August 24th 2016 Both Baby girls 💕 Married -💍❤💛 May 20th 2015


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what do you do when you're stressed to relive you're mind?
yellohmamat @reaganmommy2015 I don't have any lavender or Epsom salt. 😢
yellohmamat @mommy730. I would but still need to give my lina boo a bath and eat . probably
mommy730. what i do is listen to music and clean...that way u keep busy
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realizing my baby is gonna be 1 years old in 2 months is making me emotional . 😟
momoftwo1 Ugh mine will be in 4months..😢😢
yellohmamat I seen her dancing in living room with her daddy and I was like im going to
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so my daughter is going to be 10 months tomorrow and she has been very clingy and weird ever since I've been pregnant I'm 17 weeks today is this normal she's usually fussy now she's never been like that since she's been born😬
jm10 aaww I know the feeling my daughter is 3 yrs and some days shes attached to see
mommytolucia could be if she's teething lol too. I'm currently going through clingy and teething baby who wants
yellohmamat Oh okay well glad to know she isnt just turning into a crazy woman . lol @mommytolucia
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had a vivid dream my ultra sound said boy but in real life blood work said a girl already ugh . lol how accurate is the blood work if I just had my daughter last May does that matter? ? lol wishful thinking always wanted my boy.
gumdropguppy blood testing is pretty much a garunteed positive :) its because it picks up the babies genes
dohmommy2016 We did the panorama blood test and it's 99% accurate and the ultrasound confirmed (:
yellohmamat @babyreeves, @gumdropguppy @dohmommy2016 lol ahhhhh well until the next time . I was really early in pregnancy
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