Lisced Lopez
17 years old , engaged 💍 Mommy to be to a baby boy 💙👶🏽 👼🏻🙏🏻


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How my baby is going to be looking at me once he arrives 😂
liscedlopez98 I LOVE hot sauce & now I seem to LOVE it even more !! 😩 @t142
liscedlopez98 My baby H A T E S coffee 😷 the smell and the taste @lilfree16
lilfree16 lol she hated it at firstm. honestly ill spend like 3 dollars for a dman small iced
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Glad my fiancé let me stay home today. I was definitely not feeling school at all. Nor do I feel good. 😷
momma588 He let you stay home?? Are u not allowed to make the choice to stay home?
liscedlopez98 I am still considered as if I am living with my mom , under the school rules.
momma588 Oh i see. Okay. @liscedlopez98
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Why Does My Mother-in-Law Keep Messing with the Thermostat?
I H A T E how my mother in law is always messing with the thermostat. For the past month she has been complaining how "cold" the house gets. 😑 Its not even cold , it's FREAKING hot in the house. When my fiancé & I get home the temperature is at 85 degrees. & I swell up really bad with heat 😩 I feel like a cow! But I don't say anything because it's their house, not mines I have been living there for 10 months now. But I feel like she might say something. So I just tell Aaron (my fiancé) to go turn it off or even better to turn on the AC. & he does ☺️ he even tells his mom to stop messing with it because that was the reason why she wanted the AC fixed because the house was really hot & now she is cold 🤔 & also tells her if she is cold to put warm pants on & hoodie. Since she is always wearing shorts and a tank top.

P.S sorry I had to get this off my chest
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liscedlopez98 I swell up right away, been like that even before getting pregnant. But now it's worse 😩
canaryv Lol my feet would swell any time I got too hot before I was pregnant and I
missing201user I faint. my dad and I are constantly fighting in the car he doesn't want the a.c.
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