United States, Tennessee, Johnson City


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My son is 2 months old and is a little stuffed up through his nose. Can I run a warm mist vaporizer with Vicks in it? The box says consult your doctor if child is under 2 years old. Any advice!?
destiny17 Warm mist causes bacteria growth which can make your kid sick. Cool mist is the best. I
randee Thank you!!! I was just googling and read that warm mist aren't good for infants! I'll have
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So I've had a very stressful day, and I'm about to head to the liquor store to purchase me a bottle of wine. I am breastfeeding and I wanna know the safe amount to drink and still be able to feed my babe?
randee I'm not gonna do any heavy drinking just a glass if I can sneak into the bathtub
emtackett You can buy those alcohol test strips from the store to test the alcohol content in your
randee I didn't get any wine today 😑
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I am so tired :( up and feeding and my eyes are literally burning!
butturfli My eyelids are so heavy trying to nurse my baby too. Ugh
randee I didn't think I was gonna make it 😂
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Why do I read everyone saying baby rice cereal isn't good for babies? My mom fed it to me when I was 6 weeks old I'm just curious why the negativity on it now? I have a 7 week old and we are strictly boob juice currently!
randee He definitely went through a growth spurt about 5-6 days ago when he turned 6 weeks on
randee I felt like I had deflated boobs and he wasn't giving them time to fill back up!
missing31user There's negativity because basically a baby's stomach can't properly process solids until 6 months, but a lot
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