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OK I have a question for all the mommy's my 4 month old and he is rubbing his ear. what could that mean. thanks
guaderrama_babies2 Ear infection possibly or teething
shewolf2015 my daughter did that when she was getting tired.
akla202 thanks @housfullofgrls @shewolf2015 and @guaderrama_babies2 I'm taking him to the doc to be on the safe side
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I have a 1 month 4 week old baby boy and he keeps pulling at his ear I don't know if he has an ear infection because my two other ones never had ear infection when they was that young.
akla202 @edomke, yes it's normal no temp. but he just act like he normally dose. thanks
mommakaz My friend Kim has a newborn and his temp was fine. but he kept pulling his ear
akla202 Wow ok thanks @mommakaz
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I'm really really sad my hubby won't to touch me in any sexual way. do you pregnant women out their have this problem. I'm 28 weeks and 5 days. :( :(
akla202 Oh I'm trying to but it's really hard to cause I can't do it my self I
polancobaby girl. i have been dealing with that since july of 2015... my husband has heart issues and
akla202 Oh I'm so sorry about ur hubby's heart. @mierbaby. I know to but I guess I have
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ok I have a ? is it normal for the baby not to move as much as he usually does and I'm 26 weeks today.
akla202 ok I will try that. @mommyof2016
akla202 I really can't do the lay down part I have to take my little girl to school.
mommybump2016 oh okay. well if your moving around don't expect too much movement, most of the time baby
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question what can I do for a sore throat. to get gid of it fast. I'm 20 week's and 4 days pregnant.
aguardado @cass_lynne, i was told by my doctor not to drink chamomile tea because it could cause early
cass_lynne I drink tea almost every day....
akla202 thanks lady's
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