United States, Alabama
hey yall! I'm Aimee, I'm 23, I have a 2 year old son and due with baby #2 in April 2016! I am married to their wonderful daddy :) Fire wife!


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got to see my little bit today (: have to wait 3 weeks for gender ultrasound though :( I'm so impatient ughhh
bcmandbabym I do an anatomy scan in three weeks so they will just do gender then too @kartesia
kartesia @bcmandbabym I meant was ur baby not cooperating
bcmandbabym no, my dr office only does ultrasounds the first visit, the 4th visit and the last visit.
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Kay so does anyone know what a level 2 ultrasound is/or had to have a level 2 ultrasound done? My dr said he will schedule one,two weeks after my regular ob appointment tomorrow..just wondering what to expect? I know he said it's to determine gender also but not sure if anything else
missing145user what she said, ☝ I had to have a level 2 for my 2cd daughters heart to
bcmandbabym thanks yall :) I feel better now knowing what it is lol @momma588
mommyanddude @bcmandbabym, it's not exactly a regular ultrasound, to us it looks the same. but to the ultrasound
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So is anyone else pregnant with their second baby and feeling flutters or movements alot sooner than with your first? I'm 18 weeks and I've been feeling baby flutters and light movements all night
virtuoussupermom When I was pregnant with my second I felt the same way.... Now I'm pregnant with my
rhia I felt flutters at 14 feel them sooner with your second pregnancy.
c._.wade with my baby I felt them at 17 weeks as a FTM, but I've heard as a
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