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What's your idea to get an over tired baby to sleep? My 3mo old has been up for 5 hours straight
mommmyof1 That's what I do to my baby when she fights her sleep
juanitalupita well that's good im planning to take his paci up at 4 months i dont wamt it
adaline0914 Yeah! Some kids are easy to break off of it though! Lol @juanitalupita
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How much would you pay a baby sitter who is your friend, to watch a 3 month old a couple times a week when you work and you only work part time making $9 an hour?
adaline0914 Lmao okay thanks ladies @babiio1 @waitingforablessing
334proudmom my friend works at a day care she said the regular price is 20$ but for me
mommakarii I babysit for $10 if it's friends or family otherwise kids in diapers it's $15-$20 depending on
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Are there post partum depression meds that can be taken while breastfeeding?
blue_87 Zoloft is what I take and I breastfeed. I've had no issue with low supply or it
adaline0914 Thank you @blue_87
blue_87 You're welcome @adaline0914
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Is it normal for my daughter to have several diaper blowouts in an hour
missing108user I usually just go up in diaper when my son starts having blowouts but you can try
adaline0914 Well this is the second or third night in a row. @shortizzie I breast feed could her
shortizzie Could be. Especially if your drinking a lot of milk
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Baby bullet or just a food processor??
Which one is better
helpedbytmh don't waste ur money on a baby bullet. if u have a food processor, you can make
adaline0914 I don't have either yet, but I'm not sure which one to buy for when the time
melodysmommy585 I have read bad reviews on the baby bullet, like finding shards of metal in the food.
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Does anyone here have an auto immune disease? I have lupus and rheumatoid arthritis and it's killing me
adaline0914 (I no longer have it apparently. I tested positive and then negative )
adaline0914 That's terrible @bria.k they don't have any alternatives for during pregnancy??
hart.momma it sucks. my docs believe i either have crohns as well or gallstones /:
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