Как поддержать подругу после потери ребенка: что сказать, когда страшно позвонить? Советы

My friend just lost her baby... And this isnt her first time going thru this she lost her other baby not to long ago💔 I havent reached out to her yet because I dont know what to say I'm always scared to reach out to people in this situation I remember when my grandmother passed my father was so angry and mean and short with everyone another friend of mine just had a loss in her family and her cousin got so upset that people where reaching out to her and asking if shes ok she snapped and told everyone to leave her alone and now I'm even more scared to reach out to my friend but I want to so bad I just don't have any words 💔💔💔💔

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Just don't ask her if she's okay, she's not. As someone who went through it 3x, just let her know you are thinking of her, you care, any small gesture helps. When this happens you blame yourself, you're hurt, and when people avoid it, it makes you feel even more alone.
08.03.2025 Нравится Ответить
I agree.
Just shoot her a quick and sincere text, letting her know you are thinking of her
08.03.2025 Нравится Ответить
Agree. Grief is rough and comes in waves. It is extremely sensitive. It depends on each person. Some may want people around while others may want to be left alone.
The best thing is to let her know you are available when she is ready to reach out.
08.03.2025 Нравится Ответить
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