So im that mom that is scared of the world. I dont trust no one with my babies. I wouldn't let them take the bus for along time because i was scared but they just started taking it and everything is fine lol Got me wondering about child care. Do you guys have your babies in day care or some type of after school activities? Has everything always been good and safe for your little ones?

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Both of my kids have done in-home daycare since they were infants. We’ve used the same provider for 7 years and she loves my kids like her own. They call her “auntie” and they love going to her house. I’ve never once had to worry about my boys when they’ve been in her care. She watched my oldest overnight when I had to have surgery and when I went to the hospital have my youngest. She’s a part of our family.
02.05.2024 Нравится Ответить
What a blessing ❤️ hard to find good people.
02.05.2024 Нравится Ответить
My littles don't ride the bus but all my kids started in home daycare at 1-1.5 years old. If you find the right one/person it will make you feel better. The two family daycare I've worked with treats my kids like their own, I love it .
01.05.2024 Нравится Ответить
@annjackson i went thru an agency in my area. Then they ask you what zip code/area you want care in and give you a list. Just search your area for inhome daycares/facilities or a ln agency (which is easiest).I went to like 5-6 different house "interviewing" and looking at their learning/napping setup and feeling out their aura and vibe. The first one I had for my oldest instantly felt a loving warm heart and she spoiled and loved her so damn much. The second round with my youngest two it took me a little while longer to find the right home. I had picked one which I wasn't 100% about but something happened with the paper work (a blessing in disguise) and stuff and I ended up having to look two more and one of those was God sent. She is such a a wonderful lady and the moment I met her and looked around and the kids met her I knew it was the one for us.
01.05.2024 Нравится Ответить
@annjackson I also prefer In-home daycare MUCH more than a daycare facility. I feel like they are more loving, attentive, safe and nurturing (IN MY experiences). They have many safety measures. I tried one facility once and it was a mess...I felt like the workers were there just to work and leave if that makes sense.
01.05.2024 Нравится Ответить
@ksmommyx3 I'm definitely going to look into that. Thank you
01.05.2024 Нравится Ответить
My daughter has been on the bus since 4. She does Girl Scouts sometimes after school. I’ll never do daycare tho.
01.05.2024 Нравится Ответить
I did have daycare and preschool for my kid. The transition to Kinder was amazing. No fuss or crying in our experience.
We also had transport then so it was easy to transition to bus for us all.
01.05.2024 Нравится Ответить
I was for a while now she rides the bus she does cheer after school and ill be signing her up for swimg bus and since I stopped being a mental case she has flourished she used to be shy and withdrawn now she isn't so much it's great.
Never did daycare that one still gets me
01.05.2024 Нравится Ответить
I like that ❤️ My kids are also very shy. Yes daycare scares me.
01.05.2024 Нравится Ответить
@annjackson school also helped but now she has public school attitudes
02.05.2024 Нравится Ответить
@raisingblueyedbabiesx2 lol oh no
02.05.2024 Нравится Ответить
So for the bus it took me awhile to be comfortable with them riding the bus. Then one day I heard about how another kid was picking on my middle child and my oldest smacked the shit out of the kid and they both were suspended from riding the bus for a few days. That's when I was like okay my kids can handle themselves. 😂sucks cuz they shouldnt but it is what it is. My youngest takes a small bus because she's barely verbal.
01.05.2024 Нравится Ответить
Good older sibling 💪❤️💯
01.05.2024 Нравится Ответить
@annjackson lol. My kids are wild.
01.05.2024 Нравится Ответить
My kids will NEVER ride the bus but they do sports and coding classes but I’m always there. 😂
01.05.2024 Нравится Ответить
I didn't want them on the bus either for a long time because my brother and I never had luck with it. We would get bullied by the kids and the bus driver it was so bad.
01.05.2024 Нравится Ответить
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